Thursday, November 15, 2012

November Photo-a-Day Part I


Day 1: Something Beginning with "C"
My Chick-fil-a cup :) Our reward for getting our flu shots!

Day 2: Color
My thirty-one [computer] bag - love all the colors!

Day 3: Breakfast
My protein shake and my Hunter watching TV before going to get is hard?

Day 4: TV
No TV tonight...exhausted after a fun afternoon hosting Christine's baby shower!

Day 5: 5 O'clock
Washer/Dryer shopping!! Only took us 4 hours but we bought a set!

Day 6: A Favorite Thing
I'm in LOVE with my gap capris...they get washed multiple times a week since I basically live in them!

Day 7: Reflection
I wasn't feeling so pretty today but our toothbrushes were :)

Day 8: Something You Do Everyday
I (try to) take my vitamins everyday!

Day 9: Small
My rings are all pretty small...I wear a 4.5 on my ring finger

Day 10: Can't (won't) Live Without
My little family...can't (WON'T) live without them...I mean look how presh they are...

Day 11: Night
My night-time picture got deleted so here's a pretty one from last month :)

Day 12: Drink
Water in my bubba

Day 13: Where You Slept
In my bed of course

Day 14: Man-Made
This print is hand-made with real flowers...we got it in St. Paul de Vence in's an absolutely charming town - you should google it...and then go there!

Day 15: In Your Bag
My owl cosmetic bag, my owl iPod holder, wallet, pens, sunglasses, and of course hand sanitizer!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to see you put that little red owl to good use!!!
