Wednesday, August 15, 2012

August Photo-a-Day Part I


Day 1: Outside
Our cute little maroon & white flamingos in the morning light

Day 2: One
One of my many owls :)

Day 3: Coin
Our excess coins

Day 4: Somewhere You Sat
At my beautiful friend Niki's wedding! 

Day 5: Logo
Petsmart! Somewhere we frequent on the weekends!

Day 6: Writing
Some good old fashion math on notebook paper...sometimes it's better than Excel :)

Day 7: 8 O'clock
Dinner spaghetti squash recipe!

Day 8: Glasses
My favorite pair of glasses ever!

Day 9: Messy
Messy morning hair!

Day 10: Ring
My heart ring...the first piece of jewelry Justin gave me :) I just had it cleaned and it looks new!

Day 11:Purple
New chevron

Day 12: Spoon
All our regular spoons were dirty so I had to use the baby complaints!

Day 13: Simple
Our new Scentsy plug-in for the goes perfectly!

Day 14: Arrow
Arrows on the way to work

Day 15: Ready
My microwave is so tells me to "Enjoy Your Meal" when it's ready!

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