Day 1: You, Now
Me @ the Colorado Springs Balloon Classic
Day 2: Father
Dad posing in front of this crazy Prius...I can so see him driving this!
Day 3: Far Away
Denver (& cooler weather) - why are you so far away??
Day 4: In My Mailbox
Crate & Barrel...yes please
Day 5: Bright
One of my brightest & favorite A&M shirts
Day 6: Every Day
I wash my face everyday twice a day...no exceptions!
Day 7: Natural
In the a.m. before hair/makeup
Day 8: At Night
Hot tub after a long Saturday at work
Day 9: Something You Do Most Weekends
Day 10: Black & White
My zebra bandanna from career fair paintball team!
Day 11: Hero
Super touching video about boat captains and their rescue efforts on 9/11
I haven't seen Justin for 30 minutes the last couple days so this is us "together"
Day 13: Table
Our fall dining room table...LOVE!
Day 14: Favorite
Owls are my favorite...duh - Here's my new owl towel from LeeAnn!
Day 15: First Thing You See
This was the first thing I saw this am at 3am when I woke up to him throwing up :( (This picture was not taken at 3am!)